
Nodes (5241)

Location Geographic location of nodes
CT Count Number of containers per host node
VM Count Number of VMs per host node
VE Count (CT+VM) Number of containers plus VMs per host node
VE Events Dispatcher VMs/CTs events
Product Software products installed on a host node
Release Platform release number
Build Platform build number
Upgrade Upgrade from VzLinux7
Host Events Dispatcher host events
Kernel Version of the VZ Linux kernel
Kernel Param Non-default kernel parameters
Kernel Module Kernel modules in use
Ready-Kernel Enabled or disabled
Ready-Kernel Version Version of RK patch installed on a host node
VCMMD Policy Automatic memory management policies
Default Backup Server Empty or not
Host Soft Software packages installed on a host node
Type of Install Manual or Not
Dispatcher Remote Auth Used or Not
Hardware Node hardware vendor and model
Device Hardware devices on board
Host Drive Model Hard drive models used on a host node
Host Drive Type SSD or non-SSD
Host Drive Bus IDE, SAS or NVMe
Host Drive Size Size of hard drive
Host Space Total space on a host node
Host NICs Number of ethernet controllers on a host node
Bonding and Teaming On or off
In-Kernel Fast Path On or off
Host CPU Host processor models
Host Cores Number of host processor cores
Host RAM Total RAM memory on a host node
Swap for Huge RAM Swap on nodes with 64+Gb RAM
RAM Over-commit Ratio between RAM assigned to VEs and total node RAM
CPU Over-commit Ratio between number of CPUs assigned to VEs and total node CPUs
Bonding Mode Network bonding modes


Containers (138641)

CT Product Software products installed in containers
CT Category Container workload type
CT OS Template OS templates installed in containers
CT App Template Application templates used in containers
CT Network Type Network types in containers
CT Drive Size Size of hard drive in containers
CT Drives CTs with more than 1 drive
CT CPU Limit Processor cores limit in containers
CT RAM Size of RAM in containers
CT Migrations Migration results for CTs
Encrypted Disks Statistic Has encrypted disks or not


VMs (5642)

Guest OS OSes installed in VMs
Guest OS Family OS families installed in VMs
VM Network Type Network types in VMs: Bridged, Host-Routed, etc.
Guest Soft Software packages installed in VMs
VM EFI Boot EFI boot in VMs: Enabled or disabled
VM Drive Size Size of hard drive in VMs
VM Drives VMs that have more than 1 drive
VM Migrations Migration results for VMs
VM CPU Count Number of processor cores in VMs
VM RAM Size of RAM in VMs
VM Video Memory Size of Video Memory in VMs
VM State States of VMs: running, crashed, etc.
VM State Reason Reason of VM state